Kia ora! Warm Greetings
Wayfinding Leadership: Ground-breaking Wisdom for Developing Leaders by Dr Chellie Spiller, John Panoho and Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr brings an innovative, practical approach to leadership and management.
The conventional ‘business as usual’ approach to business and developing leaders is often insufficient for building the kinds of organisations we need today where ‘leaders need to deal with complex organisational dynamics, respond to unpredictable and chaotic challenges, and create meaning and purpose amid uncertainty’.
Based on the art of traditional Polynesian navigation, wayfinding leadership shows how wayfinding can transform leaders and organisations by using new practices such as mindfulness and awareness of their environment. For example, the concept of a navigator travelling to a destination is re-imagined to a wayfinding concept where the navigator is not travelling but sitting still and, through listening to and reading signals from their environment, takes the necessary actions so the destination appears to come to the navigator.

Wayfinding Leadership
We are excited to share the news that the TedX talk on Wayfinding Leadership is now available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=d1-gmU04jhs
In 2015 we released the book Wayfinding Leadership: Ground-Breaking Wisdom for Developing Leaders. Since then we have been on a remarkable wayfinding leadership journey together that has taken us into all kinds of organisations and communities across the nation and around the world.
Please support our endeavours to take this fresh, culturally grounded approach to leadership to a wider audience by watching the TEDx talk and sharing it with your friends, family and colleagues.
Ngā mihi, Chellie Spiller, Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr and John Panoho
For the Wayfinders and the Wayfinder in all of us
Buy the book online at Huia Publishers
Buy an e-book from Amazon
Visit Wayfinding Leadership on facebook
We are pretty chuffed to have Wayfinding Leadership included in the list of 150 books by leading Maori authors assembled by the Royal Society New Zealand to celebrate 150 years of Maori non-fiction publications. John Panoho represented us at an event held at Parliament today. We are now in our third reprint of the book. Look out for the sequel, it's in the pipeline! John, Chellie and Hotu

Sphere Intelligence
Today’s wayfinders are the living face of a philosophy of being that has been orally transmitted from one generation to the next through millennia. The Inuit who read the snow, Australian Aboriginals who track the desert, Bedouin nomads who traverse the sand dunes and Polynesian voyagers who navigate the oceans are some of the wayfinders who continue to practise their ancient craft in cultural pockets around the world. The art of wayfinding we refer to draws upon insights of ...master navigators who travel vast distances across the ocean, without instruments such as map, sextant or compass, in traditionally built Polynesian double-hulled sailing catamarans (waka).
Wayfinding Leadership is a unique leadership development programme sourced deep in the DNA of the Pacific. It draws on our distinctive experiences, extensive research and builds bridges to cutting edge leadership ideas from around the world while challenging many commonly imported ideas.
Download the Wayfinding Leadership Workshop brochure